New Martinique Island Geothermal license – Pointe Sud-ouest
📣 TLS GEOTHERMICS is granted its second Exclusive License to research geothermal deposits in #Martinique.
The “Pointe Sud-Ouest” exploration license 🌋 concerns the research for geothermal deposits in an area of 54² onshore and 8km² offshore, within the Territorial Collectivity of Martinique. It was granted to us by ministerial decree dated June 17th 2024 and decision from CTM dated April 24th 2024. The license starts from June 25th 2024, date of publication in the “Journal officiel”, for a first 3 year period.
This granting allows joint deployments from TLS Geothermics team and its partners for the exploration of several areas of interest on the island, in particular with the other “Cœur Martinique” license, already granted last year.
TLS Geothermics will use all the data acquired in the past by BRGM as part of studies commissioned by ADEME and local stakeholders and will continue local consultation with the population with its partners.
#geothermie #transitionenergetique #geothermal #energy